




Algaes grow under extreme and difficult conditions; they thrive where the water is rough, cold and clean.


Northern Company collaborates with a number of developers, scientists, designers and food distributors which makes their brand unique and catchy. We get our norwegian seaweed from 2 special destinations; Træna and Frøya - two Islands off the wild and beautiful coast of Norway where the waters are pristine and cold.



In 2015 Northern Company established Træna Foodlab which serves as a base for product development and harvesting of wild norwegian sea vegetables such as kelps, seaspagetti and dulse. Træna is an Archipelago of about 500 small islands and inlets situated at the polar circle, 40 km off the coast of northern Norway. 
Træna foodlab is also a platform for workshops, seminars and research into local coastal food culture.

Read more about Træna:



The Northern Company collaborates with North Sea Salt Work with whom we make several seaweed and salt products. It is a family run business located on the island of Gossen in northwestern Norway. The company has a goal; to reinvigorate and reinterpret Norway's centuries old production of one of the world's most essential minerals - SEA SALT. Building on traditions dating back to the viking era, North Sea Salt Works produces sea salt of superior purity and taste using 100% renewable energy and sustainable manufacturing processes.

Read more about North Sea Salt Works: